B.Sc. Curriculum

Semester System starting from the academic year 2018-2019 المنهاج الدراسي الفصلي

Faculty of Engineering (FENG)

  1. Department of Software Engineering (DSWE) | Edit

  2. Department of Architectural Engineering (DARE) | Edit

  3. Department of Civil Engineering (DCEN) | Edit

  4. Department of Geotechnical Engineering (DGEN) | Edit

  5. Department of Petroleum Engineering (DPTE) | Edit

  6. Department of Chemical Engineering (DCHE) | Edit

  7. Department of Manufacturing Engineering (DMFE) | Edit

Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH)

  1. Department of Biology (DBIO) | Edit

  2. Department of Chemistry (DCHM) | Edit

  3. Department of Mathematics (DMAT) | Edit

  4. Department of Physics (DPHY) | Edit

  5. Department of Clinical Psychology (DCPS) | Edit

  6. Department of Medical Microbiology (DMEM) | Edit

Faculty of Education (FEDU)

  1. Department of Kurdish Language (DKUR) | Edit

  2. Department of Arabic Language (DARB) | Edit

  3. Department of English Language (DENL) | Edit

  4. Department of Geography (DGEO) | Edit

  5. Department of History (DHIS) | Edit

  6. Department of Education & Psychology (DEPS) Edit

  7. Department of Religious Education (DREL) | Edit

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS)

  1. Department of Law (DLAW) | Edit

  2. Department of Accounting (DACC) | Edit

  3. Department of Administration (DADM) | Edit

  4. Department of English Language (DENG) | Edit

School of Medicine (SMED) | Edit

School of Physical Education (SPHE) | Edit

Yearly System starting from the academic year 2014-2015
المنهاج الدراسي السنوي

Faculty of Engineering (FENG)

  1. Department of Software Engineering (DSWE) | Edit

  2. Department of Architectural Engineering (DARE) | Edit

  3. Department of Civil Engineering (DCEN) | Edit

  4. Department of Geotechnical Engineering (DGEN) | Edit

  5. Department of Petroleum Engineering (DPTE) | Edit

  6. Department of Chemical Engineering (DCHE) | Edit

  7. Department of Manufacturing Engineering (DMFE) | Edit

Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH)

  1. Department of Biology (DBIO) | Edit

  2. Department of Chemistry (DCHM) | Edit

  3. Department of Mathematics (DMAT) | Edit

  4. Department of Physics (DPHY) | Edit

  5. Department of Clinical Psychology (DCPS) | Edit

  6. Department of Medical Microbiology (DMEM) | Edit

Faculty of Education (FEDU)

  1. Department of Kurdish Language (DKUR) | Edit

  2. Department of Arabic Language (DARB) | Edit

  3. Department of English Language (DENL) | Edit

  4. Department of Geography (DGEO) | Edit

  5. Department of History (DHIS) | Edit

  6. Department of Kindergarten (DKIN) | Edit

  7. Department of Physical Education (DPHE) | Edit

  8. Department of Education & Psychology (DEPS) Edit

  9. Department of Religious Education (DRLE) | Edit

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS)

  1. Department of Law (DLAW) | Edit

  2. Department of Accounting (DACC) | Edit

  3. Department of Administration (DADM) | Edit

  4. Department of English Language (DENG) | Edit

  5. Department of Turkish Language (DTUR) | Edit

School of Medecine (SMED) | Edit